50: Fridge Delight – What would you like to see when you open your fridge?

Have you ever been so  hungry, have no idea what to eat and need to eat now?  You run through what you can chop, bake, peel,  boil, fry, steam, microwave, defrost, cook and fill your empty and growling stomach with.

Today, I had this exact feeling until I opened my fridge. It was a blink of pizza bliss as I saw my left over ‘veggie delight’ pizza slices from last night. I couldn’t wait to warm it up and eat it – yummy.

What would be your #blinksofbliss Fridge Delight?

If you like pizza read this too:

19: First Bite

5 responses to “50: Fridge Delight – What would you like to see when you open your fridge?

  1. Pizza! But right now I would love an ice cream 🙂 But wait…I do have some ice cream and totally forgot about it !

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